Garuda Indonesia is listed as a 4-star airline by Skytrax, and is also listed among Skytrax's Quality Approved Airlines. It is wholly owned by the Indonesian Government and employs 6,285 staff (at March 2007)
The airline is based in Jakarta at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, and also has a hub at Ngurah Rai International Airport, Bali. The airline flies to a number of destinations in South-East,East Asia, the Middle East and Australia. It also previously flew to several destinations in Europe and North America. From June 2007 to July 2009, Garuda, along with all Indonesian airlines, was banned from flying to the EU. However, this ban has been lifted since July 2009.
* Min. High School Graduates/SMK
* Female, Single, Indonesian citizen
* Age Min 18 years and max 25 years on Dec 03, 2011
* Height min. 160cm, with proportional body weight and postures
* Not using eyeglasses, contact lenses are allowed
* Excellent command in English (spoken & written)
Register yourself online at e-Recruitment Garuda Indonesia not later than Januari 1, 2011 : Lowongan Pramugari Garuda
Human Capital Management
PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero)
Ground Floor-Garuda City
Bandara Soekarno-Hatta Cengkareng
Kontak :
* (021) 2560 1042 (Team Recruitment)
* 085718711837 (Ibu. Risa)
* 085692750594 (Bpk. Giring)