1. Pimpinan Cabang Pembantu (PCP)
* Lead and direct all branch business activities include marketing and branch operation in an effort to achieve the goals and the branch target.
* Minimum 3 years experience as Pimpinan Cabang Pembantu or equivalent work unit.
2. Supervisor Layanan Operasi (SLO)
* Assist Pimpinan Cabang Pembantu in the provision of quality banking services to customers.
Specific Qualifications
* Minimum 1 year experience in similar or equivalent position.
3. Micro Banking Unit Head (MBUH)
* Leads and directs all marketing activities and business maintenance of syariah micro-banking products in order to achieve goals and the unit target.
Specific Qualifications
* Possess good understanding of micro-banking and has financing analytical capability and collateral assessment skill.
* Minimum 2 years experience leading banking or financial institution work unit.
4. Financing Risk Manager (FRM)
* Conduct feasibility analysis of financing proposals and set up the financing structure for retail and commercial business segments by performing industrial analyzes, business prospects and financial analysis, identify risks and determine mitigation measures.
* Manage minimum 2 areas Financing Officer and minimum 6 Financing Unit Officer.
Specific Qualifications
* Minimum 5 years experience as Commercial Account Officer with account above IDR 30 billions.
* Minimum 3 years experience as Analis Kredit Komersial.
* Understanding the business aspects and its risks, especially in the plantation industries, trading, manufacturing, shipping, construction, mini-hydro power plant and coal.
5. Area Financing Officer (AFO)
* Conduct feasibility analysis to micro-financing business segment by performing analyzes the business outlook, financing and financial needs and determine the appropriate type of financing.
* Manage at least 3 Financing Officer Units.
Specific Qualifications
* Minimum 3 years experience as a financing analyst at bank or microfinance institutions.
* Minimum 2 years experience leading a team.
* Mastering Microsoft Office, especially Word & Excel.
6. Unit Financing Officer (UFO)
* Conduct financing analysis of micro business segment and assessment the quality of collateral to ensure a healthy and favorable financing.
* Evaluate and analyze the qualifications of prospective debtor.
Specific Qualifications
* Minimum 1 year experience as financing analyst at bank or financial institution, preferably from microfinance institution.
* Mastering Microsoft Office, especially Word & Excel.
7. Financing Administration Staff (FAS)
* Conduct financing administration in accordance with the provisions including exercise supervision over related documents.
Specific Qualifications
* Have high precision and enjoyed working details.
* Mastering Microsoft Office, especially Word & Excel.
8. Sales Officer (SO)
* Realize the account financing plan to meet the financing healthy target, qualified and profitable.
* Evaluate and analyze the prospective debtor.
Specific Qualifications
* Minimum 2 years experience in bank or financial institution product marketing preferably from microbanking institution.
9. Relationship Officer (RO)
* Develop and implement financing account development according to priorities to meet the financing portfolio that can grow healthily and profitable.
* Implement coaching programs and community training related to the interests of financing account.
Specific Qualifications
* Minimum 1 year experience in bank or financial institution.
10. Consumer Funding Officer (CFO)
* Conduct third-party fundraising in a savings deposits, time deposits and current accounts according with the targets set.
* Maintaining good relations with customers.
Specific Qualifications
* Minimum 2 years experience in bank or financial institution products sales
* Attractive and possess good communication skill.
11. Consumer Sales Officer (CSO)
* Conduct financing products sales and process it to meet the healthy and profitable financing portfolio according to the targets set.
Specific Qualifications
* Minimum 1 year experience as Sales in loan and financing section.
* Attractive, communicative and possess good analytical skill.
12. Penaksir Madya (PMa)
* Perform gold assessments or assessed according to quality standard or provisional assessed valuation.
* Supervise and verify the estimates or assessed conducted by Penaksir Muda
* Manage the administrative processes associated with performed assessment or assessed.
Specific Qualifications
* Minimum 1 year experience in conducting gold provision or assessed.
* Having working reference as a Penaksir Emas.
* Attended gold assessed or assessment training.
* Not color blind.
* Have good analytical skills and communicative.
13. Penaksir Muda (PMu)
* Perform gold assessments or assessed according to quality standard or provisional assessed valuation.
* Manage the administrative processes associated with performed assessment or assessed.
Specific Qualifications
* Attended gold assessed or assessment training.
* Not color blind.
* Have good analytical skills and communicative.
* Maximum 25 years old (13); maximum 30 years old (7,8,9); maximum 35 years old (2,3,5,6,10,11); maximum 37 years old (1,4).
* Minimum Diploma 3 Degree in any major (8,9,12,13) and minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) in any major (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,10,11).
Should you meet above requirements please send your complete application and CV not later than December 10, 2011 to addresses below. State the position code and the city in top right corner of your envelope. Only qualified candidates will be processed.
* Medan: Jl. S Parman No.250 E/8 Medan.
* Palembang: Ruko Taman Mandiri Jl. Kapten Rivai No.1A dan 2A Palembang.
Wilayah Jabodetabek, Cilegon dan Jawa Barat (Bandung, Cirebon, Cianjur): Human Capital Group – PT Bank BRISyariah, Menara Jamsostek, Lt 19 Jl. Gatot Subroto Kav.38 Jakarta Selatan.
Wilayah Jawa Tengah dan Yogyakarta: Jl.Pandanaran 127 Semarang.
* Surabaya: Jl Raya Gubeng No.40 Surabaya
* Malang: Jl. Kawi No.37 Kel Bareng.Kec Klojen Malang
* Kediri: Jl.Pahlawan Kusumabangsa No.2 Desa Ngadirejo – Kediri
* Mataram: Jl Pejanggih No.47E Mataram – Nusa Tenggara Barat
* Makassar: Jl A. Pettarani No 70 – Makassar
* Samarinda: Jl.Bhayangkara No. 33 Samarinda Kalimantan Timur
* Pontianak: Jl.Gusti Sulung Lelangan. Komp Pontianak Mall, Blok C No.68 Pontianak Kalimantan Barat
* Banjarmasin: Jl A. Yani KM 3 No.147 C Kel. Kebun Bunga Banjarmasin Timur-Banjarmasin Kalimantan Selatan
* Balikpapan: Jl Jend Sudirman No.5 Balikpapan Kalimantan Timur. ~ lowongan kerja terbaru 2011-2012