On October 27, 1945, President Soekarno established Electricity and Gas Bureau under the Departement of Public Works and Energy with power plant capacity of 157.5 MW.
On January 1, 1961, Gas and Electricity Bureau was changed to BPU-PLN (Board of General Administration of the State Electricity Company) that focused on electricity, gas and coke sectors. On January 1, 1965 BPU-PLN was dismissed and 2 (two) state owned enterprises were formalised, namely Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN), a state-owned electricity company, to manage electrity power and Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) to manage gas power.
In 1972, in accordance with Government Regulation No. 17, the State-owned Electricity Company was enacted as a State-owned General Electricity Company and as PKUK responsible to provide electricity to meet public needs.
Customer Service Officer (CSO)
* Male, single not married with max 28 years old
* Diploma degree in any majors
* Customer service oriendted
* Good looking and Good communication skills
* Willing to work with shift system
* Fluent in English
Send your application and complete CV with copy of diploma to email address hrd@simbika.com
following address. Write position code on top left your envelope or email subject.
PT Simbika
PT PLN (Persero) Distibusi Jateng DIY
Jl Teuku Umar 47 Semarang