1. Architect Engineer
2. Junior Architect Engineer
Lowongan kerja terbaru 2012
- Min. S1 corresponding field (1-2)
- Experienced in the art work a minimum of 8 years (1)
- Experienced in the art work a minimum of 3-5 years (2)
- Have Certification Expertise (1-2)
- Speaking English oral & written (1-2)
- Mastering the computer word, excel and special programs according to their field (1-2)
- Mastering AutoCAD 2D & 3D programs, sketch-up, 3D max, CorelDraw, Photoshop, MS.Office (1-2)
- Willing to test and interview in Jakarta
- Willing to be placed throughout the territory of Indonesia
Complete CV & Application send via Email to recruitment@viramakarya.co.id, list the "arc" on the subject
Lowongan kerja BUMN terbaru 2012