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IDX also believe that this merger will improve Indonesia’s market efficiency. Since Indonesia Stock Exchange facilitates all market segments, securities firms and issuers will only need to be listed in one
Bourse. IDX will also have an integrated trading infrastructure that facilitates all the traded instruments. As a result, our market capitalization will certainly grow and be able to compete in regional scale. With this merger, we hope to establish a stronger capital market that could serve as an alternative investment and act as a mirror of the national economy.
One important aspect that we are facing right now is the information distribution to the capital market participants and public community. If in the past, the information were distributed through two Bourses, now IDX will become the central of all information distribution and disclosures. For that reason, we will gradually unite the information available in the two Bourses’ Websites into the Indonesia Stock Exchange’s Website.
To achieve this purpose, we need to make some adjustments, such as the unison of two infrastructures, systems, databases, contents, and other additional features. This process will definitely takes time. So, with deep gratitude, we kindly hope that users of our website could understand if, currently, this transitional website is far from what they might have expected.
Now Bursa Efek Indonesia open vacancies position as :
* Staff Pemeriksa Anggota Bursa/ Auditor
* Staff Pemantauan Perdagangan
* Staff IT Operasional
* Staff Pengembangan IT
* Staff Pemasaran
* Staff HR Specialist
* Staff PIPM Jakarta
* Kepala Kantor PIPM
* Staff Trainer PIPM
* Admin PIPM
Detail qualification Bursa Efek Indonesia Qualified candidates will be notified. If you feel that you are the person we’re looking for, simply send your CV to : HR Division divisisdm@idx.co.id
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Please put the position code in the subject of your mail/email.
PT Bursa Efek Indonesia
(Indonesia Stock Exchange) IDX Building, Tower I, 6th Floor Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53 Jakarta 12190 Phone : +6221 515 0515 Fax : +6221 515 0050 www.idx.co.id