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1. Registration: Sunday Week I sd IV December 2011
2. Examination of test tk Region: Week I Sunday II January to March 2012
3. Examination / Test tk Center: Week III sd IV March 2012.
4. Session of the Central Committee: Fourth Sunday in March 2012.
1. Ajen Kodam
2. Ajen Korem
3. Kodim
Download Application
Full Address Place of Registration (Click here)
Department Allocation List Student Scholarship Army (Click here)
1. Citizens of the Republic of Indonesia, Male / Female, not the soldiers / military police officers and civil servants.
2. Devoted to God Almighty.
3. Faithful and loyal to Pancasila and 1945 Constitution.
4. Higher Education Students:
a. Department of General Medicine has reached at least the medical degree.
b. Department / Study Program other S.1 has reached at least 110 credits.
c. Diploma Program / D III has reached at least 80 credits.
5. Cumulative performance index (CPI) at least:
a. S.1 General Medicine Program 2.40.
b. 2.80 S.1 other programs.
c. Diploma Programme (D.3) 2.70.
6. Equality regulated GPA: State University is equivalent to:
a. Accreditation of private universities with "A".
b. Accreditation of private universities with "B" + 0.20
c. Accreditation of private universities with "C" + 0.40
7. Age from 23 till 27 years for undergraduate programs (S.1) and between 22 to 23 years for the Diploma (D.3) with the following provisions:
a. Undergraduate medical school S.1 General has completed a minimum of 120 credits or six semesters or three semesters before graduating Bachelor of Medicine (S. Ked), provided age is not more than 25 years if it has not reached the degree of Medicine (S. Ked).
b. Undergraduate Program (S1), other Programs.
1) Not more than 23 years, if it has achieved 100 credits.
2) Not more than 24 years, if it has achieved 130 credits.
3) Not more than 25 years, if it has reached above 140 credits.
c. Diploma Program / D. III.
1) Not more than 22 years, if it has reached 80 credits.
2) Not more than 23 years, if it has achieved 100 credits.
8. Behave well and not lose the right to become soldiers, based on court decisions that have obtained permanent legal force, accompanied by a certificate from the local police chief.
9. Physical and Spiritual Health
10. Height of not less than 163 cm for men and for women no less than 155 cm.
11. Never been married and could not get married as long as the status of Student Scholarship in the TNI.
12. Appropriate department / (scholarship required of the college specified.
13. Obtain letters of recommendation from the Dean. Director Faculty / department enclosing transcript (list of values) following a study of cumulative performance index (CPI).
14. Specific requirements.
a. Apply in writing to obtain a scholarship Association Office of the TNI to the TNI chief Up Aspers, Cilangkap TNI headquarters in East Jakarta.
b. Able to undergo bond the First Department (IDP) during the 10 years since appointed a military officer.
c. Could be located anywhere, throughout the territory of the Republic of Indonesia after completion of education.
16. Must undergo and pass Rik / Test in accordance aspect that has been determined.