Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan is domiciled in the Capital of the Republic of Indonesia and may choose to open representative offices within the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.
- Officer Dukungan Infrastruktur & Pengendalian Mutu (O-DIPM) – Divisi Sistem Informasi
- Junior Officer Pengelolaan Kinerja & Pengembangan SDM (JO-PKP) – Divisi Sumber Daya Manusia
- Junior Officer Kehumasan (JO-HMS) – Sekretariat Lembaga
- Minimal pass Strata 1 (S1) with minimum GPA 2.75 (scale 4.0);
- Derived from State Universities, Private Universities that have been accredited for Higher Education and Foreign Affairs to be recognized by the Ministry of Education (Graduate Certificate While Not Applicable);
- Have the background experience and / or qualifications job requirements that correspond to the position;
- Fluent in English (spoken and written);
- Maximum age limit as of October 31, 2011 to: Officer: 35 years and Senior Officer: 30 years
- There was never sentenced to prison or confinement based on the decision The court, for committing a crime;
- Not located as caretaker / members of political parties;
- Physically healthy (physically, spiritually and not color blind).
Interested candidates with Lowongan Kerja LPS may send the resume and application at the link provided below